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Results for "main_practice: "Openness", latest_content: 1"
Birthday of Satish Kumar Honoring an Earth pilgrim who keeps the torch of humanity burning in our times.
Anniversary of Jackie Robinson's Induction into the National Baseball Hall of Fame (PDP) Celebrating the achievements of the African-American baseball player.
Letting Go of Possessions An exercise for cultivating an attitude of non-possession.
Saint John XXIII Day Inspiring quotes from the Catholic Pope, now Saint, who opened the door to the renewal of the church.
Birthday of Bono (PDP) Recognizing the contributions and leadership style of the international lobbyist and rock star.
Anniversary of the Premiere of Letter from America (PDP) Learning from the remarkable legacy of cultural commentator Alistair Cooke.
Give Others the Benefit of the Doubt A prompt to allow for better understanding.
Openness to Emotional Experience Allowing your body to feel and express your emotions.
Don't Mess With the Cold A spiritual exercise to help you explore the moods and meanings of winter.
Feel the Heat A spiritual exercise to help you make summertime into sacred time.